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Annual King Edward VII Preceptory of Improvement Dinner 2016


This year the annual dinner was held at Mark Masons Hall as was last year. We were honoured by the presence of The Great Seneschal, Malcolm Ernest Slater, the Provincial Prior of London Michael Conrad Fox, and his Deputy Victor Parnis. Also in attendance were members from ten different Provinces. It was quite obvious from the amount of chatter and laughter that was going on everyone enjoyed themselves. The Great Seneschal thanked the Preceptors for the work they had done throughout the year, also to the members who had supported the Preceptory. The Provincial Prior then stood up and he said that he was pleased to see the attendance and that everybody was enjoying themselves. He also commented how pleased he was to see the Great Seneschal there. Also the good work the POI had done in the last year.

E Kt Dennis Fountain

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